Dave and Michelle Rowland
Lead Pastor
When did you start and what do you do?
I started at Crystal Valley in June of 2014 at Lead Pastor.
What should we know about you?
God called me out of the workforce (engineering) and into ministry in 2002. My wife, Michelle, and I have been together since high school! We love doing ministry together here at Crystal Valley.
Bonnie Kidder
Children’s Director
When did you start and what do you do?
I started attending Crystal Valley 8 years ago and have been Children’s Director the last 3 years.
What should we know about you?
I have been married for 25 years to Derek. We have 3 children. I also love reading, camping, spending time with my family, and anything to do with dogs. Summer is my favorite season and I love going to the lake!

Alyson Hershberger
Administrative Director
When did you start and what do you do?
I have been in my current role for about 2 and a half years.
What should we know about you?
I have been a part of our congregation since 2013 and value the people within CVMC. I have 3 children that keep me busy! I studied theology and became a reverend within another denomination in 2009 and have been involved in ministry ever since. As much as I love talking, I equally enjoy using the “nerd part of my brain” to create numeric spreadsheets and complete task lists!