Small groups are the lifeblood of Crystal Valley. They exist to create an atmosphere where you share the gospel and share your life with others in order to develop deep caring relationships that encourage, comfort, and urge others toward a closer relationship with Jesus—an atmosphere that ultimately develops each member to grow from a spiritual infant to a spiritual parent.
There is a small group that fits your life stage. If you would like to join a small group, contact Pastor Dave Rowland cvmcdaver@gmail.com or call 574-318-7173.
Inbetween Young Adult Ministries
When: Every Sunday from 6:30-8:00PM
Where: Martin’s on Bashor Road in Goshen
About: The average age of our group is 23. We have people from late teens to early thirties that join our group. The goal is to reach those in-between life stages and give them a place of accountability, teaching, and community. Our time is spent connecting with each other in games, food, and discussion. This is a group where the imperfect people can come together.
Alex and Emily Gorsuch
When: Every other Sunday from 11:30AM-12:30PM
Where: Homes throughout the Middlebury area
About: The average age of this group is mid 20s to mid 30s with children. This group usually has about 10 kids in attendance. This group spends time together learning how to parent better and discussing the Sunday morning sermon.
Delmar and Kristen Mullet
When: Every other Sunday from 5:00-7:00PM Where: Homes throughout Middlebury and Bristol About: The average age of this group is mid 30s to mid 40s with elementary and middle school age children. This group usually has about 11 or so children in attendance. This group spends time discussing whatever topic their leader has on their heart that week. Discussion is core to this group.
Sonny and Rachel Miller
When: Every Sunday from 5:30-7:30PM
Where: Homes throughout the Middlebury area
About: The average age of this group is 45 with teenagers and older children. The group begins with dinner and then dives into the Bible. This group does life together with game nights and camp outs. Sonny and Rachel say “this group is a family”.
Burt and Lisa Matteson
When: 3 Sundays a month from 5:30-7:30PM
Where: Burt and Lisa’s home in Dunlap
About: The average age of this group is mid to late 50s. They spend time getting to know each other and discussing a book of the Bible. This group also regularly spends time learning each other’s story.
Wes and Sheila Miller
When: 3 Sundays a month from 5:30-7:30PM
Where: Homes throughout Middlebury
About: The average age of this group is mid 50s to mid 60s with children in high school and college. The first hour of this group’s time is spent growing in relationship with one another. The second hour is more focused on discussing and recapping the Sunday morning message. This group is affectionately known as the “geriatric” crowd.
Jody and Deb Nihart
When: Every other Sunday following service from 11:30-1:00PM
Where: Crystal Valley Missionary Church
About: The average age of this group is all over the board. Ages range from mid 30s to late 60s. This group spends time talking about life and gaining wisdom from each other. They also spend time covering a wide range of topics from Bible studies to “The Chosen” tv series.
Dave and Michelle Rowland
When: Every other Sunday for 5:00-7:o0PM
Where: Homes throughout Elkhart County
About: The average age of this group is 50. We love food! So, we always begin with a meal. We dive into our Bible time by discussing the sermon and how it applies to our individual lives. Our time together is very interactive, and we love to hang out together.